In an isolated Oregon town, a middle-school teacher and her brother, the local sheriff, discover that a young student is harbouring a sinister supernatural secret. Produced by Guillermo del Toro (The Devil’s Backbone, Pan’s Labyrinth), this psychological folk-horror is an atmospheric and unsettling exploration of generational trauma.
‘Here, the beast within has always been there, lurking and latent as part of America’s constitution, and just waiting to bite back.’
Anton Bitel, Little White Lies
‘What makes suggestion-driven Antlers so disturbing isn’t the movie’s tension- and dread-building mechanics so much as the way the filmmaker burrows into the minds of his two main characters.’
Peter Debruge, Variety
Sorry - you missed it!
We showed Antlers between November 12, 2021 and November 23, 2021.
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What else is on?
Today (Thursday 5th December)
Heretic 15
1h 51mTomorrow (Friday 6th December)
Paddington in Peru PG
1h 46m20:30
OXIFF 2024 18
1h 41mPlan your visit
Our beautiful art deco inspired auditorium can be found just off East Oxford's Cowley Road. We are open 7 days a week. We open the cinema and box office 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of each film, and the Box Office then closes 10 minutes after the film starts. We don’t show adverts, just a couple of trailers, so don't be late as the film itself starts very close to the advertised time!