Set in 16th century Japan, a crafty warrior drifts into a rural town divided by two criminal gangs. He offers his services to both gangs, playing them off against each other, in the hope they will destroy each other and free the village from a life of continual violence. Kurosawa’s exhilarating and darkly comic genre-twisting thriller went on to influence many Hollywood Westerns having been remade at least three times – most notably by Sergio Leone in A Fistful of Dollars.
If you buy a ticket for this screening of Yojimno as well as Throne of Blood (Sun 7 Nov, 13:30) and Seven Samurai (Sun 7 Nov, 16:30) in a single transaction, you will receive a 15% discount on the total cost.
Screening as part of Japan 2020: Over 100 years of Japanese Cinema, a UK-wide film season supported by National Lottery and BFI Film Audience Network. bfijapan.co.uk
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We showed Yojimbo between November 7, 2021 and November 7, 2021.
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Today (Sunday 15th September)
Double Indemnity PG
1h 48m17:30
Between the Temples 15
1h 51m20:00
Sing Sing 15
1h 46mTomorrow (Monday 16th September)
Double Indemnity PG
1h 48m20:30
Kneecap 18
1h 45m | Irish Gaelic w/ English subtitlesPlan your visit
Our beautiful art deco inspired auditorium can be found just off East Oxford's Cowley Road. We are open 7 days a week. We open the cinema and box office 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of each film, and the Box Office then closes 10 minutes after the film starts. We don’t show adverts, just a couple of trailers, so don't be late as the film itself starts very close to the advertised time!