In a small city on the Nile Delta, a teenager lives a double life – conservative and veiled among her family yet outgoing and liberated through her online alter-ego. Featuring astonishing performances from a cast of non-professionals, this sensitive coming-of-age drama (co-produced by Wim Wenders) is an acute examination of Egypt’s Generation Z.
‘Ayten Amin’s sharp, subtle coming-of-age drama [is a] shrewd and poignant study of social media identities’ ★★★★ Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
‘Amin’s quietly bristling film has a whole world going on under the surface.’ ★★★★ Danny Leigh, The FT
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We showed Souad between September 24, 2021 and September 30, 2021.
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What else is on?
Today (Wednesday 11th September)
Radical 12A
2h 6m | Spanish w/ English subtitles18:00
Shadow of a Doubt PG
1h 48m20:30
Sky Peals 12A
Tomorrow (Thursday 12th September)
The Lady from Shanghai PG
1h 27m17:45
Radical 12A
2h 6m | Spanish w/ English subtitles20:30
Plan your visit
Our beautiful art deco inspired auditorium can be found just off East Oxford's Cowley Road. We are open 7 days a week. We open the cinema and box office 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of each film, and the Box Office then closes 10 minutes after the film starts. We don’t show adverts, just a couple of trailers, so don't be late as the film itself starts very close to the advertised time!