In the remote mountain village of Vermiglio, the Second World War remains a distant yet persistent shadow. As the conflict nears its end, a revered schoolteacher finds his life upended by the arrival of a deserting soldier, whose presence stirs tension and discord within his family. Evoking the rich tradition of Italian neorealism, Maura Delpero’s historical drama captures a world in turmoil with striking visual beauty. Winner of the Silver Lion at the 2024 Venice Film Festival.
‘It is wonderfully acted with unaffected naturalism by its cast of professionals and newcomers and plays an extravagant, almost shameless pizzicato on the audience’s heartstrings.’
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
Book tickets
Saturday 15 February | 2.15pm | Book tickets |
Monday 17 February | 8.30pm | Book tickets |
What else is on?
Today (Tuesday 21st January)
Nosferatu 15
Spirited Away PG
Tomorrow (Wednesday 22nd January)
Nickel Boys 12A
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru Cert-TBC
2h 3m20:45
Nosferatu 15
2h 12mPlan your visit
Our beautiful art deco inspired auditorium can be found just off East Oxford's Cowley Road. We are open 7 days a week. We open the cinema and box office 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of each film, and the Box Office then closes 10 minutes after the film starts. We don’t show adverts, just a couple of trailers, so don't be late as the film itself starts very close to the advertised time!